Powerful Placement • Powerful Presence

The Depth of Respect

Years ago, I visited my grandmother in her tiny mobile home.  She was taking care of my dad at the time and there was not an extra bed for me, so I had planned to sleep on the couch.  She would not have it. She insisted on giving me her bed.  When I woke up the next morning, she was sitting on the couch, sleeping.  She had been there all night.   Nona was without a surplus of money but she was laden with loyalty and respect.

What comfort do you have that could be given to another?  How can you reach out, without hurting yourself, and let someone know you appreciate them?

How can you show them -without words – the depth of respect you have for them?

My grandmother showed me. She gave up her bed for me for my comfort.  I can still feel it.  The surprise, the awe and the appreciation of her caring.  And I can see her in the morning, with a slow smile, offering me a cup of coffee.


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Kathy Hoyer
13 years ago

Respect is a form of love in this case. These gestures form impressions that shape how we respond in similar situations in the future, with awareness of the well being of the other. They create a chain reaction of caring and respect that go way beyond the moment.
So beautiful Ellen!

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