Powerful Placement • Powerful Presence

Shine a Light

On May 27, 2011, I launched this blog with a writing on Genius.  I find myself in August of 2016, writing and teaching about Genius. Welcome back to my blog!  I will be fine-tuning the graphics to be consistent with my web site in the next few weeks.  For now, I am republishing the first entry with some additions and appreciate every single one of you who is with me and has remained a part of my life.

“This blog, A Home for Your Muse, is written to inspire you and delight you.  There are  many definitions for a muse. The one that is most prevalent here is “a guiding genius”.  Each of us has a genius within us that is asking to be utilized.  We change dramatically over time and our genius changes along with us.  Our muse has moods and needs.  That is why we may go to school with one goal and create a career with another revenue stream.  Our muse does that.  Our muse is a creator.

In this blog, change will be a recurring theme coupled with the freedom of movement.  It is okay to change your mind, it is okay to follow your inner guidance and it is better than okay to see decisions manifested in your environments.  That is how you make a Home for your Muse.  You think it, move it, delight in it.

Here is an example:

I traveled and returned home to find some Stargazer Lilies in my kitchen under a light.  One was in full bloom, but the rest were closed and waiting.  After four days, they were still closed and waiting. Like me.  I needed something to happen; I needed to create something and I was waiting for permission, the right time and a perfect opportunity. The next day, I noticed that one of the lilies was struggling to open so I changed their location to the living room where they would get full sun in the morning.  The next morning, I looked in and three more were blooming.  One day of shining a light and they were encouraged and opened.

My muse had been telling me to do a blog for a very long time. The opening of the lilies was my environmental cue to let my muse in and give it a home and to start writing.  Are you listening to your muse? Are you expressing your Genius?  If this stirs you, please visit my web site at www.arrangetosucceed.com and take a tour.  Pay special attention to the Events Page and see my offering on Living Your Genius.

Until next time,  do a walking tour of your environment and see if it is expressing your Genius.  If you are not sure about that, come and visit with me on September 24th to get clarification and experience the Genius of groups, teaching, companionship and innovation.

Warmth and Gratitude to all.


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8 years ago

Glad to see you’re back! Always enjoy your writing . . .

8 years ago

Thank you, Pat! Feels very right…so glad to know that you are out there. EL

8 years ago

Lovely….Thank you

8 years ago

You are most welcome, Linda! Glad you like…

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