Powerful Placement • Powerful Presence

Ellen in the News

Featured in Arizona Daily Star
“We’re Dreaming of a Calm Christmas” (excerpt)

“I think it’s an important time of year (the holidays) to do feng shui, with all the energy that starts to happen — the increased traffic, the lights, lots of stimulation… Which is why bringing a bit of tranquility into your own home right now is important.”

Schneider calls feng shui “acupuncture for the home.” If you want to increase or invoke a certain energy in your life — wealth, health or reputation, for example — you can add more of the element you need to certain areas of the house… But if you just want to calm those fraying nerves, try to simply balance the five elements.

Schneider’s own Christmas tree carries ornaments representing the five elements: real roses and green crystals (wood), reindeer and teddy bears (fire), ceramic ornaments and gold balls (earth), bronze ornaments and white crocheted balls (metal), and crystals and black bows (water).

Featured in Arizona Daily Star, Home Section
“Go With the Flow: Model home a showcase for feng shui” (excerpt)

Interior designer Terri Taylor and feng shui practitioner Ellen Schneider collaborated to ensure that the house (KB model home at Mesquite Ranch) has balanced energy flow… (Visitors) can read the rooms’ display cards to learn which feng shui principles have been applied and the significance of colors, placement and certain items.

Featured in Arizona Daily Star, Business Section
“Using Ancient Concept for an Ideal Workplace” (excerpt)

At the suggestion of feng shui practitioner Ellen Schneider, Miraval (resort) exchanged a black and white Navajo rug for a warm red one, symbolizing fire, in the lobby. Executives also moved the cactus that flanked the front door, which said, “be careful, stay away.” …Finally they heeded her advice that certain colors, mirrors and artifacts created a chaotic feeling that was dispelled when things were rearranged or removed… “I think it’s made us more efficient, it’s made the environment more conducive to the arrival of and the feelings of our guests,” DeNucci (the resort’s general manager) said. “If you want to accomplish something, then create the most effective environment to accomplish it in. Feng Shui addresses that.”

“The businesses that I’ve worked with are cutting edge. They want to know how to be as efficient as they possibly can, and if there’s something out there that makes it maybe more fun, makes it a little easier, and makes it more fulfilling, they want it,” Schneider said.

Featured in Arizona Daily Star, Home Section
“Maximize Your Personal Space: Feng Shui ensures your environment is balanced and that harmony can be found anywhere” (excerpt)

Chi (life and vitality) changes constantly. Thus, some possessions may lose their appeal and should be discarded, according to Schneider. “You honor yourself when you clear out the stuff that you have outgrown or never did like,” she said.

Featured in Tucson Lifestyle
“Feng Shui: New Year, New Way” (excerpt)

“It’s all about arranging your environment to positively affect the quality of your life,” says Schneider.

“Your highest intention will always be served, but sometimes that is concealed. What’ll happen is that it pops up because we’re raising the Ch’i, the vital force, of all the areas in your home or business.”

(In one business), Schneider added “fire” elements (red roses and pictures of people) to balance the Ch’i in a showroom dominated by metal and glass.

“We do a walk-through of the house, talking as we walk, and go through a checklist. If they have too much of one element and not enough of another, I tell them and leave them the list. I ask the client to get a floorplan for me and I put the Bagua on the floor plan, so then they can see where the nine areas fall. Then we talk about enhancers, ways to improve these areas.”

Schneider describes a situation where a client was having trouble sleeping and discovered that she had stored her old wedding dress from a failed marriage under her bed. She recommended that the dress be removed, citing the “remembered energy” from the dress as one reason for the insomnia. Another illustration comes from the world of business. “Let’s say you’ve got old files from clients who never really said yes to a business proposal. It’s an understandable oversight, but it’s important to remove that connection to the past and that disappointment. You need to keep your energy focused on the present, so maybe you should remove those old ‘pending’ files, box them up and store them elsewhere. You can’t invite new experiences into your life without cleaning out what was there.”

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