
You know when you bake a cake and it looks like it’s done but it’s really not?  Because right below the crisp top, it’s gooey. You discover this when you give it a little nudge with your finger. Now, the rest of it is okay even the part at the bottom that sits against the […]



Sometimes to stay in our flow, we need to stop.  I have done just  that over these last two months as you have witnessed by my sparse posts.  I wanted to let you know that I am once again in the stream, creating flow and becoming flow with new eyes and intentions.  You will be […]


Spilling the Rice

This morning I spilled a bag of rice.  I had bagged it myself at the local health food store and to my surprise, the twisty tie was not secured. This is how it went.  Rice spilling out  and landing on the pantry floor and on the shelf that had been its home and me saying […]


The Other Side of Close

The other side of Close is Apart, the place where we go to dissect things, to be alone, to think, to ponder, to protect. It is a place where we are solitary, where we are trying to source how to be near. Nearer, perhaps, to ourselves, in our own right, in our own clothes. Apart […]


A Beautiful Beyond

As January is coming to an end Chinese New Year begins and holds close the symbol of the dragon a magical, mystical beast that has the breath of fire. In Yoga, the breath of fire pumps the body to new possibilities and cleanses any stagnant energy. Let us all empty drawers empty thoughts purge criticisms […]


Wrinkled and Soft Around the Edge

I found a sweet potato in my pantry this morning.  It was wrinkled and soft around one edge, on its way to sweet potato heaven.  The other side was firm and ready to be enjoyed.  I thought, “What can I do with this sweet potato?” Then, I remembered the frozen turkey carcass from Thanksgiving.  Soup […]


Organizing Thought

Organizing your thoughts is just as important as organizing your things. The conversation about clutter is immense and yes, relevant.  Decluttering involves sifting and sorting through possessions. This overflows into your lifestyle of relationships, diet, work and habits. Think of putting flour into a sifter as you watch the lumps disappear and become a refined […]


The Depth of Respect

Years ago, I visited my grandmother in her tiny mobile home.  She was taking care of my dad at the time and there was not an extra bed for me, so I had planned to sleep on the couch.  She would not have it. She insisted on giving me her bed.  When I woke up […]


Always Remembered Nourishes the Heart

Every year during the holiday season,  I get a gift from one of my advisors I worked with in the 90’s.  It makes me feel special  that she always remembers our relationship and the time we spent together.  At that time, I was vulnerable and scared and needing a strong advocate for professional and personal […]


The Conversation of Your Life

Transitions.  We are all in them, with them, going through them, celebrating them. I am in profound change this year and witnessing  many people around me also in change.  I am an empty nester now, my adult children are living in an apartment on their own, my nieces and nephews are in careers, school, jobs, […]
